9/11 plus 5 = WWIV

Five Years After 9/11


Ruppert in Venezuela
Many readers of this website will probably already be aware that Michael Ruppert's From the Wilderness was physically attacked in late June, and Ruppert subsequently left the United States. You can read his farewell to America at the FTW website. (Update: Ruppert later changed his mind and moved back to Los Angeles. No word on the amount of fossil fuel used by this relocation and then retreat back to the desert.)

BY THE LIGHT OF A BURNING BRIDGE: A Permanent Goodbye to the United States
by Michael C. Ruppert

In my book Crossing the Rubicon I wrote that events that took place in the five years following those attacks would determine the course of human history for centuries to come. We now stand at the brink of that fateful anniversary.
-- Michael Ruppert


9/11 Five Years Later: How We Won, And Lost
Emanuel Sferios of septembereleventh.org (the original 9/11 truth grassroots outreach campaign) has written an excellent memoire of his involvement in the early days of 9/11 truth -- how we won (by spreading the information far and wide) and how we lost (no political changes have happened). He suggests one of the reasons for our loss is the massive propaganda barrage that has succeeded in associating 9/11 truth with the kookiest claims, instead of the best evidence.

An Assessment of the 9/11 Truth Movement
By Emanuel Sferios
September 11, 2006


How They Got Away With It
Commentator Michael Green has an excellent article on the 911Research site that suggests "How They Got Away With It."

How They Get Away With It
by Michael Green


Media 9/11 Strategy: focus on the "No Plane" hoaxes, ignore Best Evidence
Nearly every major media institution covered the "9/11 Truth Movement" around the time of the anniversary. Time magazine, The Washington Post, Newsweek, San Francisco Chronicle, Democracy Now! and many others highlighted the "no plane" hoaxes and demolition theories in order to ignore the best evidence (suppressed warnings and war games).

Two excellent articles summarizing this strategy are


Friday, September 22, 2006
Too Much Monkey Business


"Towers of Deception: the Media Cover-Up of 9/11" by Barrie Zwicker
Barrie Zwicker has published his book "Towers of Deception," which focuses on how the media have ignored evidence of official 9/11 complicity. Zwicker is probably best known for his pioneering, courageous film The Great Deception (January 2002) and for narrating The End of Suburbia. He was also lead organizer of the May 2004 International Citizens' Inquiry into 9/11 in Toronto, and has been a major voice in the 9/11 truth movement.
Unfortunately, the book misses how the media has delighted in profiling 9/11 "truth" -- as long as it is confined to the no plane hoaxes and demolition theories. Since the 2004 Inquiries, there has been an onslaught of media interest in the kookier claims in the 9/11 truth world, but virtually no attention to the data presented by the Complete 9/11 Timeline or Michael Ruppert's Crossing the Rubicon (those efforts are not so easily dismissed, so they are ignored).
Most curious is the complete omission of any mention of Peak Oil as a motivation for allowing (and assisting) the attacks, since Zwicker's first film showed this was a motivation for Bush policies in Central Asia, his narration of End of Suburbia showed deep understanding of energy issues, and his publisher (New Society) prints more book titles about Peak Oil than any other company. Some of those promoting a mix of real and fake claims for 9/11 truth have ridiculed the reality of Peak Oil in recent years, and have pressured truth activists to disconnect the issues of 9/11 complicity from probable Cheney administration planning for Peak Oil. The real scam of Peak Oil is that the public is excluded from decisions over how to use the remaining fossil energy reserves -- as a bridge toward a sustainable society, or to wage endless World War to dominate the oil fields as they run out.
Towers of Deception reads as if it was compiled three years ago, before the media began to focus on the 9/11 hoaxes as a substitute for covering the serious evidence, and before a number of 9/11 truth activists spoke out more loudly about the fake "no plane" claims. (Watching how the media zeroed in on the untruths masquerading as truths was a wake up call to many to see how the powers-that-be were trying to define the truth movement by its weakest links.)


9/11 Press For Truth
In the past year, there have been a number of "9/11 documentaries" that have purported to tell 9/11 truths. Many of them have promoted the no plane claims, demolition theories (both credible and absurd) but few have mentioned serious, well documented evidence.
The new film "9/11: Press For Truth" focuses on the 9/11 family members who demanded an inquiry into the mass murder of their relatives, and how they were betrayed by the official 9/11 commission. Their unanswered questions are available at www.911independentcommission.org
The film also profiles the Complete 9/11 Timeline, an impeccable database of mainstream media articles at www.cooperativeresearch.org This timeline proves that 9/11 was not a surprise to the administration, and they suppressed numerous specific warnings provided by France, Germany, Israel, Jordan, Italy, Egypt, Russia and other countries.
Perhaps the main omission in Press for Truth is the lack of discussion of the 9/11 war games, even though this information is detailed at the Complete 9/11 Timeline. Press for Truth is an excellent introduction to these issues, but it also seems like it was produced three years ago (when some of the best evidence of the war games was not yet in the public domain).
Press for Truth is probably the best introductory film for people not familiar with the details.
Ruppert's films The Truth and Lies of 9/11 (November 2001) and Denial Stops Here: From 9/11 to Peak Oil and Beyond are also required viewing (Denial could have used a better editing job).
The best compilation to date is 9/11 Citizens Commission (New York City, September 9, 2004), but it is over five hours long.


The Complete "No Planes on 9/11" Timeline
Inspired by the incredible, impeccable Complete 9/11 Timeline from the Center for Cooperative Research, this new compilation shows the history of the "no plane claims" (Rumsfeld was the first to say a "missile" hit the Pentagon) and how they have been used to smear 9/11 "truth."
Most of those who still believe the "no plane" claims (and their seemingly endless variations) are sincere, but that sincerity does not make their statements any less incorrect.


Pentagon Truth: 9/11 activists debunk Rumsfeld's "missile" meme
This page includes many of the best writers and investigators of 9/11 complicity who point out how the various "no plane" claims are not real.


Bush and Blair: new terror scare (August 2006)
In August, immediately after Senator Joe Lieberman lost the Connecticut Democratic primary, the Blair and Bush regimes announced they had foiled a terror plot involving liquids. Fortunately, a number of political observers who have stayed quiet about 9/11 complicity have raised serious questions about the reality behind this new scare. While the full truth is probably not likely to be ever known, British media have reported that some the alleged conspirators did not have passports (which would make it difficult to get on a plane bound for the US). The new "security" measures imposed on airplane passengers are essentially a form of sado-masochism -- the security industry is enjoying poking through everyone's possessions, and we are supposed to enjoy the abuse in the name of safety. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, those who give up freedom for security will get neither.


Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah
The Israeli War on Lebanon (and the Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel) seem to have been a trial run for the potential US / Israel attacks on Syria and Iran (the latter two countries wisely stayed out of the direct conflict in Lebanon this summer). The Israeli military dropped over a million cluster bomblets on Lebanon, many of them will act as land mines threatening civilian populations for many years to come. Depleted uranium weapons were also reportedly used, which is an ecological war crime.


Saudi oil and the Sunni / Shia demographic divide
the Shia live on most of the Middle East oil

One of the factors behind this proxy war is the Sunni / Shia demographics in the Middle East -- this divide is essential for understanding the Oil Empire's strategy to balkanize the Middle East. Most alarming is a June 2006 article in Armed Forces Journal that advocated splitting up Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries into several new states -- this new map shows that a new country would be created on top of most of the oil (along the Persian Gulf) that presumably would become an American client state.


The Oil Depletion Protocol
Richard Heinberg, author of The Party's Over and Powerdown, two of the best books about Peak Oil, has published The Oil Depletion Protocol. This new book is a short, excellent discussion of the need for global cooperation to manage the peaceful decline of petroleum extraction and combustion.


Council on Foreign Relations says terror threat exaggerated
The CFR published a very interesting article suggesting the terror threat has been exaggerated. While this is not exactly a novel observation, the fact that one of the country's most elite organizations is now saying this is extremely interesting, and suggests that some of the power structure has indeed turned on the Bush / Cheney regime.



Is There Still a Terrorist Threat?
By John Mueller
Foreign Affairs
September/October 2006
Despite all the ominous warnings of wily terrorists and imminent attacks, there has been neither a successful strike nor a close call in the United States since 9/11. The reasonable -- but rarely heard -- explanation is that there are no terrorists within the United States, and few have the means or the inclination to strike from abroad.