Audio downloads
Peak Oil podcasts, 9/11 radio and speeches

on this page:

note that proprietary formats are not used - mp3 files are platform independent, they will work on any computer that can handle audio files (Linux, Macintosh or Windows)

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Mark Robinowitz, OilEmpire.US

Mark Robinowitz introduction of Michael Ruppert, 2005-05-31, Eugene Oregon - permaculture, Peak Oil and 9/11
nine minutes, 4 megabytes (mb)

Mark Robinowitz and Paul Thompson (Complete 9/11 Timeline), 2003-09-11 interview on KBOO-FM (Portland Oregon)
one hour, 14 mb

presentation to a peace conference November, 2002 (half hour), 9/11 and oil wars
half hour, 11 mb

short interview on Inform Radio
seven minutes, 3 mb

James Douglass and John Judge in Dallas, November 2009

James Douglass
November 20, 2009 keynote presentation to the Coalition on Political Assassinations meeting, Dallas, Texas

33 megabytes, 1 hour 9 minutes

James Douglass
November 20, 2009 - questions and answers
10 megabytes, 21 minutes

John Judge
November 20, 2009 - introduction of James Douglass plus commentary
15 megabytes, 32 minutes

related file:

John Judge speech at the "Grassy Knoll," Dealey Plaza, November 22, 2009


Mike Ruppert

Michael Ruppert, Santa Cruz, CA, 2004-10-20
topics: 9/11 war games and Peak Oil
96 minutes, 33 mb

Michael Ruppert, KZYX interview with Els Cooperrider, 2005-02-14
topics: peak oil, 9/11 war games, fake 9/11 evidence, resource wars between the US and China, tying these together for political change
49 minutes, 22 mb

MikeRuppert, 2004-09-01 show with Sue Supriano, KPFA
unveiling "Crossing the Rubicon" book
28 minutes, 13 mb

Mike Ruppert on the Coast to Coast show (not the best program for accurate information, but this interview is good and important) - in six sections


Emanuel Sferios - 9/11 Visibility Project

July 2004 interview on KBOO-FM, Portland Oregon


George Walker Bush

GWB says he saw the first plane hit the WTC - was Bush's memory confused (and he merely saw it later), or was the White House monitoring the situation there before the first plane hit? It's intriguing, but unfortunately it is evidence that doesn't lead anywhere.



a crash course in the ecological impacts of the end of cheap oil

James Howard Kunstler - "Making Other Arrangements"

James Howard Kunstler in Eugene, Oregon, May 10, 2006 - psychology of Peak Oil, denial, attachment to previous investments, the dysfunctional structure of suburban living and the need to rediscover efficient modes of living
10 mb

Three Days of the Condor - implications of Peak Oila few minutes from the conclusion of the film Three Days of the Condor


Triple Crisis Conference - Washington, D.C. - September 14-16, 2008

IFG Teach-In: Confronting the Global "Triple Crisis"
"Climate Change, Peak Oil, Global Resource Depletion & Extinction"
September 14th-16th, 2007, Washington, DC

Audio and Video from the Speaker at the IFG Teach-In

Panels - September 14th-16th, 2007

Panel 1 - Dimensions of the Global Triple Crisis
Panel 2 - False Solutions, Part 1 and Part 2
Panel 3 - Views From The South: Direct Impacts From Triple Crisis
Panel 4 - Toward A Global Grand Bargain
Panel 5 - Ingredients Of Systemic Change (1)
Panel 6 - Impacting US Policy
Panel 7 - Ingredients Of Systemic Change (2)


Peak Oil and the Environment, May 7 - 9, 2006, Washington, D.C.

background information the conference is at

The hyperlink for each speaker's name links to their personal websites.
The mp3 files are the audio of the lecture at this conference.
The PDF files (when available) are the presentations from each speaker.

Sunday, May 7

Peak Oil
Roger Bezdek President, MIS, Inc - co-author of the 2005 Department of Energy's "Hirsch Report" about Peak Oil

Bill McKibben - author of several books, including The End of Nature, Hope: Human and Wild, Enough

Questions from the audience

Monday, May 8

Max Christian

Supply Challenges:
What are the energy supply limitations in terms of resource availability and production capacity?

Production Constraints
Roscoe Bartlett Congressman, 6th District Maryland

Geologic Constraints
Kenneth Deffeyes Professor, Geology, Princeton University

Oil Security
Michael Klare Professor, Peace & World Security, Hampshire College

Panel moderated by
Richard Heinberg - with Bartlett, Deffeyes, Bedzek, Klare

Demand Challenges:
What are the major drivers of energy consumption and their impacts on the environment?

The Human Trajectory
William Catton Professor emeritus, Washington State University, author, Overshoot

Ecosystem Constraints
James Hansen - one of the Earth's most famous scientists studying climate change

Panel moderated by
Amy Salzman

A Framework for Options
Robert Costanza Director, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

Dinner: "America's Energy Future"
Gov Brian Schweitzer (D-Montana)
(Gov. Schweitzer told good stories and tried to sell the audience on the oxymoron of "clean coal.")

Town hall discussion with panelists:

Energy Gain & Social Organization
Joseph Tainter - Author, The Collapse of Complex Societies

Industry Production Declines
Art Smith

Tuesday, May 9

Supply Opportunities:
What energy supply alternatives are available to meet human needs in the future?

Sweden: Oil Independence by 2020
Mona Sahlin Minister for Sustainable Development, Sweden
audio file not available (transcript)

Liquid Fuel Alternatives
Daniel Lashof Deputy Director, NRDC Climate Center
audio file not available

Energy Accounting
Cutler Cleveland, Director, Energy and Environmental Studies, Boston U.
audio file not available

Environmental Costs
David Pimentel Professor, Agricultural Sciences, Cornell University

Energy Return on Energy Invested
Charles Hall Professor, Environmental Science, SUNY Syracuse

David Blittersdorf President, NRG Wind Systems

Claudio Filippone

Panel moderated by
Nate Hagens

Demand Opportunities:
Can human well-being coincide with the ecosystem’s capacities?

Economics in a Full World
Herman Daly Professor, Public Policy, University of Maryland

The Depletion Protocol
Richard Heinberg New College, Author, The Party's Over and Powerdown

Community Alternatives
Pat Murphy Executive Director, The Community Solution

Policy: A Way Forward
Jack Santa Barbara Director, Sustainable Scale Project

Panel moderated by:
Julian Darley Global Public Media

Megan Quinn Outreach Coordinator, The Community Solution (transcript)

Articles about this conference:
The Forum is where you debate (or Peak Oil and the Environment Conference Day 1)
Peak Oil and the Environment Day 2 Part 1
Peak Oil and the Environment Part 3 - Day 1
Rough notes for a Monday morning
Climate Change And Peak Oil
E&E TV Event - 5/10/2006 - Oil: Peak oil proponents talk about difficulty in changing U.S. energy policy
Summary of Petro Collapse II conference in DC


war and peace

Martin Luther King

short quotes from his 1967-04-04 speech against the Vietnam War


Bill Hicks

short excerpts from his political comedy


BBC on Skull and Bones and the Bilderbergers

half hour programs exploring the Order of Skull and Bones and the Bilderberg organization.


good resources for downloading accurate information - from Post Carbon Institute, one of the very best sites on the internet for original media - Peak Oil audio - 9/11 information - Time of Useful Consciousness: politics, ecology, transformation


Speeches and songs from Jamey Hecht, From the Wilderness

Words by Jamey Hecht, Beats by Premananda Ram who appears courtesy of Soul Control Records.
CALL-IN ON RIGHT-WING WABC AM RADIO NY regarding 9-11 and the Genoa G-8 summit...
THE BIRDIE QUEEN, Words / Vocal by Jamey Hecht
Black Op Radio with Len Osanic, November 22, 2004 Show # 198 Part A / Part B / Part C

"Unwelcome Guests" radio
Shows #203-207 are audio records of five full sessions of the March 2004 San Francisco 9/11 inquiry.
Unwelcome Guests is a weekly radio show, self described as "a program about wealth, power, and peoples' resistance to the New World Order" There are other recordings from the First National Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions available in the show archives:


Music for 9/11 Truth


David Rovics

Reichstag Fire, a song by David Rovics (from the album Return, 2003)

Note: Rovics has politically distanced himself from the message of the song -- he has been on public tours with Norman Solomon, who famously defended the official "surprise attack" paradigm in the months after 9/11 and attacked journalists who dared to connect the dots pointing toward complicity. Rovics simultaneously claimed that Mike Ruppert did not deserve media attention while also admitting that he (Rovics) did not take time to read much to inform his political views. It is similar to other protestations by left gatekeepers making similar attacks on the best evidence on 9/11 -- except that Rovics wrote the following song, one of the best about 9/11 complicity. We live in bizarre times that are increasingly irrational.


Reichstag Fire
(David Rovics)

The planes hit New York City
And thousands now are dead
"It was Arab terrorists"
This is what you said
Well if that is the truth
Then what have you got to hide
And what were you doing
On the day all those people died
Where the fuck were the fighter jets
Ordered by the FAA
And what is your explanation
For what you were heard to say
When you told the Air Force to stand down
Not to intercept
Did you plan to let it happen
Or are you just inept

I am left to wonder
As the flames are reaching higher
Was this our latest Lusitannia
Or another Reichstag Fire

There's some distressing information, sir
Which I think should be explained
Just which things have been lost
And just what has been gained
Like the thousands of put options
Bought days before the crash
If the money were collected
It would make quite a pretty stash
And the only stocks they bought
Were American and United
Deutsche Bank knows the answer
But the names have not been sighted
And is it just coincidence
That this firm in the private sector
Was once run by "Buzzy" Krongard
Ex-CIA Director


There's something fishy in Virginia
And I want an explanation
Why did they get the contract
What is Britannia Aviation
A one-man operation
Corporation with no history
He said he worked in Florida
But there he was a mystery
So is there a connection
I think it bears investigation
When the FAA found boxcutters
Does this cause you consternation
Hidden behind the seats
In these Delta planes
That had been fixed in Lynchburg
With Brittania at the reigns


You said Bin Laden was your friend
But he isn't anymore
Now that he's not fighting Russia
In your proxy war
Who called the FBI
Off the Bin Laden family trail
When so many times you had the chance
To re-write this sordid tale
Sudan in '96
The Taleban in 2001
Offered to turn him over
And right then you coulda won
But perhaps it is the case
That you're avoiding victory
That to justify your exploits
You must have an enemy


If you were not hiding from the truth
Then you'd have a truth commission
And not some masquerade
Kangaroo investigation
Hiring Henry Kissinger
The ancient master of deceit
To make sure all stones are left unturned
And the ruse is kept complete
And now you carry out your plans
Which you have had for decades
Conquering the world
With your troops and bombing raids
I see an evil regime
Led by an evil man
On Pennsylvania Avenue
Where this evil war began


Created January, 2003
Copyright David Rovics 2003, all rights reserved

About this song
Given history, those of us who weren’t born yesterday must ask the obvious question: Who knew what and who did what and why is the government so terrified of asking these questions? 

Darryl Cherney


Bush It © by Darryl Cherney

(A)(G)(A) First they went and stole the election
(B) The Supreme Court went and made the selection
(D) The corporations gave the direction, they said (A) "Bush it" (G) (A)
(A) He went and hired his daddy's staff
(B) And few guys from Nixon's just for a laugh
(D) Now the world is his oyster to split in half (A) Bush it (G) (A)
(A) Now though he'd never been to a foreign land
And a (B) map of the world he'd never understand
(D) Right up his back went the puppeteer's hand (A) Bush it

(D) Bush it--the old President's son, (B) Bush it--that's the way it's done
(D) Bush it--for all of your friends
(E) Who knows where this whole thing's gonna (A) end (G)(A)

Then someone goes and topples the towers
Took years to build destroyed it in hours
The FBI and CIA said give us more powers, Bush it
Then the puppeteer says hey I got a plan
Though the guys were all Saudis lets bomb Afghanistan
Then camp out with our friends in Pakistan, Bush it
But that wasn't the end to these tragic attacks
Some used the U.S. mail to send anthrax
Kinda funny how it went just to Democrats, Bush it

Bush it--The old President's boy, Bush it--He got a brand new toy
Bush it--Down old Texas way, Hey now look at Georgie Junior play

Vice President Cheney meets with Enron of course
On how to manage our oil resource
Give 'em rolling blackouts and a secret task force, We'll Bush it
The Enron goes bankrupt after stealing us blind
But they left a trail of campaign cash behind
When asked for his records Cheney big time declined,
He said Bush it.
Now before 9-1-1 Bush wasn't too bright
Did Osama Bin Laden show him the light?
They're both CIA boys and they know how to fight, They Bush it

Bush it--To the limit and then, Bush it--And Bush it again
Bush it--And make no mistake...There is just so much that we can take

He's got two drunken daughters and a drug addict niece
But that doesn't matter, he'll just call up the police
And say you can keep all the others, but I want their release, Bush it
Now he did booze and coke and he doesn't deny it
But he says that he quit and he's on a new diet
Now he passes out on pretzels--does anyone buy it? Bush it

Now George is an artist and he's trying to sell it
He's a bit of a devil--doesn't think we can tell it
But it's piled up so high it's hard not to smell it, Bush-it
Bush it--The new President's song, Bush it--You know he can't be wrong
Bush it--Out of the President's way. What more can a real American say?
Bush It! Bush It! Bush It!

w/Lloyd Hauskins, Electric & Lead Guitars
© 2004, 2002 by Darryl Cherney, All rights reserved
Churn It Up Records, PO Box 2254, Redway, CA 95560

"That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane - Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn - world serves its own needs, don't misserve your own needs. Feed it up a knock, speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height, down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population, common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty psyched.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine."
-- REM