Oilempire.us for the time being is not going to maintain a "blog" format. There were modest efforts for a chronological blog from 2005, 2006 and 2007. The strength of this website has always been seeing patterns and paradigms, not daily commentaries on the endless flood of news. The "political map" approach makes it much easier to understand the news flood and see how events fit into a broader perspective. However, there have been a number of new topical pages on the site in mid-2008 - the side bar to the left highlights most of them, especially pages about ethnicity and oil and the "Connected Dots" series. Each of the Presidential candidate pages has new material (linked above). There are a number of new and improved pages via the Peak Oil "dot" button. There isn't really anything "new" to say about 9/11 complicity or the 9/11 truth movement. Blog 007 archive